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Spandau Citadel

The Spandau Citadel in Berlin is one of the best-preserved Renaissance fortresses in Europe. Since its construction in 1540, it has been an important defense facility and prison. Famous prisoners such as Wilhelm of Orange and Crown Prince Friedrich were held here. The fortress impresses with its four massive bastions, high walls, and a moat. The Julius Tower offers a breathtaking view over Spandau. Today, the Citadel is a cultural center with concerts, theater performances, and exhibitions. It also houses the Spandau City History Museum. The exact address is Am Juliusturm 64, Berlin, Germany.

The Spandau Citadel, located in the Spandau district of Berlin, is one of the most significant and best-preserved Renaissance fortresses in Europe. Built in 1540, it served as a defensive structure and prison for centuries and played a central role in the history of the region.

Among its most famous prisoners were figures such as the Dutch freedom fighter William of Orange and the Prussian Crown Prince Frederick, who later became known as Frederick the Great.

Architecturally, the Spandau Citadel impresses with its four massive bastions, surrounded by imposing walls and a deep moat. At the center of the complex stands the Julius Tower, once used as a watchtower and dungeon. From its top, there is a breathtaking view of Spandau and the surrounding areas. Other historically significant buildings within the fortress include the medieval gatehouse and various other structures.

Today, the Spandau Citadel serves as a cultural center, hosting a variety of events such as concerts, theater performances, and exhibitions. The citadel grounds are also home to the Spandau Museum of Local History, which provides in-depth insights into the history of the district and the fortress itself.

The exact address is:
Spandau Citadel
Am Juliusturm 64
13599 Berlin
Berlin, Germany

The GPS coordinates are:
Latitude: 52.540801
Longitude: 13.2100634

You can find more information on their website:

Photo: A.Savin
License: FAL


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